
Some more Seo stuff you can do to improve SEO traffic

Offline SeoWolf

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Some more Seo stuff you can do to improve SEO traffic
« on: June 27, 2021, 03:40:36 PM »
Some more Seo stuff you can do to improve SEO traffic

Get more relevant and specific keywords with you before you build the website

Try to eliminate or replace keyworkds that are too broad and woulld be hard to rank for
latent keyword strategy- where all the other keywords are related to the subject matter
or the niche you are in.

Have effective classification and categorization of the keywords

Remove any duplicate content and noindex(prevent search engines
from indexing them from the robots.txt file) that is not relevant
and other pages you might not want the search engine to index- like a thank you page

Making all the links where you can't control to have all the links the users post to
be nofollow to prevent giving out link juice and have it become a link farm or
have users sign up for the sole purpose of "linkbuilding"- there are a lot of bckhat
seo who will misuse this if there is such loophole on your site that has a membership feature

Actually Writing effective meta title and meta description(you'd be surprised how many people don't)

Providing <alt> tags for all the images, videos etc especially if you're relying
on image banners and icons for your main page (you'd be surprised how many web designers
and developers who don't have any idea about seo miss this and hurts the seo of the website)

Create a sitemap yourself and upload it yourself if your cms does not already have one
or the website is custom coded or made my web developers who might have ignored this aspect

Having the website speed less than 0.4 secondsby writing efficient css codes,
better site architecture,removing any javascript not necessary to be loaded every time,
distributing content to inorder to meet the site load speed to be lower, using a better
server if it requires, Have strict regulations for the size and dimensions on the image
that can be uploaded- or better have them upload upload it somewhere else and share the
url with you(for an avatar or guest post or ad listing)

Try to build a more efficienand faster loading website by using css for any solid
background and and styles (using horizontal rule, vector images,minimalistic design
and better choice of colors for the site theme to reduce the reliance on graphics)

Recommended Resources:Buy Website templates and themes here

Seowolf's Free Longtail Keywords Finder Tool here

Seowolf's Free Keyword Typo Generator Tool here

Seowolf's free LSI Keyword research tool here

Seowolf's Free Robots.txt Generator here

Seowolf's Free Meta Tag Generator here And Meta Tags Analyzer here
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 02:02:59 AM by SeoWolf »


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