Here's an email I had written for a Classsifieds Site.
Feel free to modify and use it as your own,
Can also be used for Ecommerce Site owners to get more vendors
Subject: Pssst.. hers a little secret
So, there you are
selling your goods or writing an ad
for your product
You are writing an ad, just like
any other highly paid ad-writers in the world.
They charge a fortune,
All Glamorous and shit.
What can we do to help level the playfield for you?
Sexy web design- no
Celebrities? lol, I don't know any , sorry
A catchy song/jingle -You don't want me singing, trust me, Trust ME
Share it on social media -It's a bit of an overkill
and too much effort. And besides, People don't come
to Social media to make a decision- they com ether to avoid making one
Billboards/Banners and stuff- Costs too much money/too broad
Here's what we can give you,
Embed videos-custom
long copy- as long as you like
opt -in box to collect email ids
More, better categories
We help you write better copy
More languages
Community forum to interact with your customers
and ask unlimited questions and get them answes and
build relationships
You see {First Name}
Most of the people "writing ads" couldn't write
an ad to get someone to go on a date with them if their life
depended on it
They are trying to be cute,impress their bosses and clients,
to win that next award , be witty and clever, they are
trying to mimic Big dumb corporations
What you want your marketer to do is to sell the damn
thing, and not compensate for the other areas of their life
{website name}
{website link}
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